院內設備 Medical Equipments
喬治亞動物醫院使用目前全球獸醫最先進的設備來守護每位毛孩的健康 Georgia Animal Hospital uses the most advanced medical equipments in diagnosing and treating your pet.
愛德士全套血檢機 IDEXX Catalyst One
美國愛得士血檢機提供目前全球獸醫最具精準度的血液學分析。任何疾病都能提早發現提早治療。Idexx Catalyst One chemistry analyzer provides the most accurate blood chemistry analysis. Preventive care can be taken and treated on each visit.
愛德士全血球計數儀 IDEXX Procyte One
2023 年度美國最新犬貓專用細胞儀
具有24項全血參數並提供更精準的血球分析。最新技術減少血小板凝集干擾白血球判讀,且具有內建大數據資料庫和SmartQC 品管系統確保每一次的報告都具有高準確度和再現性,
IDEXX Procyte One provides 24 categories of Blood cell analysis. Newest tech reduces interference of platlete to white blood cells. Moreover, procyte one is built with smartQC quality control system and big data for more accurate and standarized results.
愛德士尿檢機 IDEXX UA analyzer
愛德士尿檢機提供高準確度的尿液分析。從細微的變化中看出泌尿系統的病變。Idexx UA analyzer provides accurate urine analysis, any minor change can be noticed in the urinary system.
Bionet Vcheck 免疫分析儀 Analyzer
Bionet Vcheck 免疫分析儀是韓國原廠製造的強大血液分析儀。提供愛德士檢驗儀缺乏的定量分析、內分泌、血栓、心臟相關的檢驗。和愛德士生化分析儀一起為家中毛孩提供最完整的血液學檢驗。
Bionet Vcheck Analyzer is manufactured in Korea which provides powerful blood tests. Vcheck is an analyzer that gives quantitative, endocrine, thromboembolic, and heart related results. Vcheck compensates what IDEXX analyzer lacks and provides the complete blood test for small animal patients.
數位化X光影像系統 Digital Radiography with PACs system
本院採用最新的數位化影像呈像系統搭配全院網絡傳輸系統,可以用最清晰和快速的方式來檢視x 光影像。Georgia AH uses the newest x-ray technology with PACs transmission system. Digital radiography provides the clearest and fastest way to examine x- ray images.
Omron Ultrasonic Aerosol Therapy Apparatus
歐姆龍噴霧治療機以每分鐘3 mL的噴霧量將6.0μm 大小的微小噴霧顆粒和將水氣和藥物帶入毛孩呼吸道,可以提供長期因呼吸道疾病困擾的患者一個新的治療選擇。
Omron Ultrasonic Aerosol Therapy Apparatus vaporize drugs and delivers 6.0μm nano particles with 3 mL/min flow rate to patient's respiratory system. This new machine provides patients with respiratory disease a new therapeutic choice.
Mindray DP-30 Vet 高效能超 音波
邁瑞的DP-30 獸醫專用超音波提供了高品質的影像學圖像協助診斷出各種特殊的疾病。具有PW 督普勒血流偵測系統、局部組織增強顯影系統、動態心跳攝影等等強大的功能。
Mindray DP-30 vet ultrasound provides high quality ultrasonic image to help diagnosing diseases with accuracy. DP-30 vet is equipped with PW doppler system for detecting of blood flow, tissue specific image(TSI) , dynamic heart beat image (M-mode) and other functions.
Olympus Cx23 高階顯微鏡
Olympus Cx23 高階顯微鏡配備高品質的目鏡和LED光源。在影像顏色不失真的狀況下去檢查各種細小的病原或是細胞。提供在肉眼下無法看到的細微檢查。
Olympus Cx23 high quality binocular microscope is equipped with plan achromat objectives and LED illumination. Cx23 provides image that is true to its color for examination of micro-organisms or cells. It's the tool that can visualize every little details that the bare eyes can't see.
Cardiobird 寵物用心電圖 Cardiobird ECG for pet
Cardiobird 寵物用心電圖在不需要剃毛的情況下提供快速的心電圖報告。並且以人工智慧(AI)的方式分析初步的資料之後再轉交給心臟科醫療團隊分析。無論是術前檢查,心臟病追蹤或是快速檢測都可以提供可靠的報告。
Cardiobrid ECG for pet is a device that can provide quick and accurate report of pet's ECG without clipping. The data was analyzed with artificial intelligent (AI) before it was provided to cardiologist medical team. A reliable report on pre-operation exam, cardiac disease followup or quick exam can be acquired with this device.
Pbreath 自動呼吸器 Pbreath Automated Breather
日本製的Pbreath 是專門設計給動物在麻醉時的自動換氣系統。具有三種不同模式可以切換,分別是PCV、SIMV和VCV模式。可以依據動物體型和各種麻醉階段來更改模式達到最安全的換氣模式。
Pbreath is a Japan manufactured automated breather that provides the safest way for small animals to breath during anesthesia. There are three different modes that can be adjusted, PCV, SIMV and VCV. Modes can be switched according to different stages of anethesia and body sizes to achieve maximum safety.
Suntech Vet 20 血壓機 Suntech Vet 20 Blood pressure Monitor
Suntech Vet 20 是由美國獸醫血壓機大廠專門研發給小動物的高精準度的血壓機。可以提供無論是平時高血壓追蹤、術中血壓追蹤或是急救時血壓監控的好幫手。
Suntech Vet 20 is a blood pressure monitoring machine specifically designed for small animals. This blood pressure monitor can provide the most accurate and precise blood pressure measurements for heart disease patients who need consist monitoring or during surgery or emergency.
Mistral Air 溫毯機 Mistral Air forced air warming system
Air-warming system used primary for surgery. The warming is provided by filtered air. Mid-surgery hypothermia or overheating associated burn can be minimized using this device.